Originally from England and now living in New York, Sheena Murphy continues to discover day after day the Big Apple, where she has lived for four years. She decided to found his office here, “Sheep & Stone”, whose members are not only specialists but also in architectural interior design, textiles and art.
“London is my home and probably my favorite city in the world, along with Berlin and Madrid. However, New York has something I had not experienced anywhere. It’s like a pulse that is faster and more alive than anywhere else in the world. In this sense, it is very special. Here most people want a very functional home-since the spaces are usually very small- and quiet to rest and recharge after a day in this crazy city, but beautiful, “says Sheena Murphy. The designer has a very busy life, and these features seemed also essential when designing your own home.
“My home is a true representation of my style, both aesthetically and ethically. It’s a small space but is very functional and features pieces by artists, designers and brands that I admire. It’s neutral in color palette and has lots of texture. It’s a very comfortable and relaxing place, “says Sheena Murphy. “I love that about it all have a story. For example, the ceiling light in the room was made up of women from a cooperative in Afghanistan and acquired in Belgium. This floor is much like my dream home. The only thing I would add is a small balcony where a glass of wine and watch the world come and go, “she concludes.