The Juniper house is our own designed and built vacation house. It is situated in Gotland, a Swedish island in the Baltic sea.
This house is our summer and weekend cottage. When my wife, Ulla Alberts and I had children we decided that we should build our own vacation house close to her five siblings in Gotland. The flat plot had a lot of junipers on it. Both Ulla and I are architects and partners in Murman Arkitekter AB.
In Gotland you either build a stone house or a wooden house. We decided that we wanted to build it in wood because it should be easy to warm up.
We thought on an early stage that we wanted to do this house cheap and well functional. We wanted to try another way than the usual in Gotland to adapt a house on a plot. As 3 meters high junipers are very old and beautiful, we wanted to show them respect. We started with measuring all junipers, before we designed the house. We found a glade, where we could place the house without taking down too many junipers.
Then we started sketching.